The emphasis on the need for increased productivity and sovereignty requires advanced equipment for our industrial base to meet our national plans. We may not be able to afford advanced technology and will rely on existing machines to meet requirements. Thus, all machines, legacy, current and future, technologies will need to be managed to meet national productivity goals. This topic aims to provide a co-ordinated approach to advanced technology productivity.
The outcome of this topic is the "Case for Machine Productvity". The planning for machine productivity as a case is as described in the Logistics Case topic, and related resources. The Logistics Case topic should be used in conjunction with this topic.
NOTE. The use of the following terms could be subject to contractual or other requirements. You need to make sure there is no conflict of meaning.
Although the topic is titled machine productivity,the topic also includes other terms such as efficiency, effectiveness, ability, capability, capacity, and viability. Productivity is a measure of quantity and efficiency is a measure of quality.
Productivity is a measure of the rate at which output of goods and services are produced per unit of input (labour, capital, raw materials, etc.). It is calculated as the ratio of the quantity of output produced to some measure of the quantity of inputs used. Many factors can affect productivity growth. These include technological improvements, economies of scale and scope, workforce skills, management practices, changes in other inputs (such as capital), competitive pressures and the stage of the business cycle. Productivity Commission
Efficiency is defined as 1.) the fact or quality of being efficient; competency in performance; 2.) the ratio of the work done or energy developed by a machine, engine, etc., to the energy supplied to it. Macquarie Dictionary
Effectiveness serving to effect the purpose; producing the intended or expected result. Macquarie Dictionary
Ability means available resources are able to undertake operations. Air Power Manual
Capability means the ability to successfully undertake operations to specific levels of performance. Air Power Manual
Capacity means the maximum possible level of performance (output of goods or services)that can be succesfully sustained. Air Power Manual
Viability means an ability that is feasible, practical or workable. Macquarie Dictionary
Dependability is defined as the fact or quality of being efficient; competency in performance.the ability of an item to perform as and when required. IEC 192-01-22
Durability is defined as the ability of an item to perform as required, under given conditions of use & maintenance, until the end of useful life". IEC 192-01-21.
Machine A working description of a machine is: : "a non-homogenous bundle or system of natural or built candidate technologies under configuration control to meet stated requirements”. Adrian Stephan
Our usage of productivity is based on the following "Overall Fit for Purpose" states that need to be achieved to be sucessfull. This neasure also includes Item Readiness.
Success is achieved when machines meet their productivity and efficiency goals as described above. Overall Machine Effectiveness is a usefull performance measure.
The outcome of these states is the productivity and efficiency of the machine; where productivity and efficiency are the overall measures of machine performance.
Measuring the performance of machines at work as specified raises the foundation question: "Will the productivity and efficiency decisions about machines meet the 'operations doctrine' objectives"?
Machine productivity and efficiency are a key part of the systems engineering framework. It is inclusive of quality management systems, such as lean and 6sigma.
We provide a range of qualitative and quantitative analytic services to those who work in or depend on work in the productivity and efficiency domains.
Understand the work that needs to be done and how to do it.
Use checklists of our key foundation skills that can be applied to meet the needs of any situation. Examples of these skills are available on request. You might have a need and think there is no one able to help you; ask us as we will be able to give you a "kick start" solution. That is,we can look over the horizon to apply context to the situation.
We work with you to develop these key plans to achieve operations.
The following processes are carried out to understand and describe what needs to be done to sustain machine durability.
The analysis of alterhatives takes a circle economy to engineering economics to describe as a closed-loop accounting of the utilization of a resource. It is a series of life cycle costs over time. Understanding these costs leads to the proper accounting for operations and utilization of productive resources as a closed loop system.
The circle economy methods are part of measuring industrial ecology.
We understand the closed loop analysis practices for the true life cycle of a system of resources. We can perform the neessary studies and analysis required to properly account for resource utilisation. This activity usually involves a series of co-ordinated plans.
We work with you to develop these key plans to achieve operational outcomes with the best allocation of resources.
Life Cycle Cost or Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) is a rational and comparative estimate of the total cost of buying, owning and disposing (acquisition and sustainment) of productive plant and equipment. The cost is estimated over the life cycle phases of the product (idea to recycle). The type of phases is usually described by the product type and the industry. Also, the cost elements will change in priority over time as well. An important aspect of a life cycle cost assessment is to assess the impact of a decision. The action to reduce costs in one situation, may adversely impact cost in other aspects. What seemed like a good idea at the time is found later to be a terrible idea. A thorough and objective life cycle assessment will generally expose these weaknesses.
The main issue to consider in life cycle cost is to ensure that it is approached objectively and rigorously. It can help show that the planned course of action leads to a good solution; as well as show that it is not the best value option to achieve productivity goals. If you are currently dealing with problems such as unplanned high maintenance costs, obsolescence, shortage of support resources, and ageing equipment; that could be because a number of years ago an analyst was unable to foresee these events. Or, what is also known to happen is the foreseeable events of the analyst were ignored. The product provides skills in the necessary ability to assess or review future issues as well as short term issues for “no surprises” cost estimates of through life productivity decisions.
For information about this service please email Adrian Stephan to request information.
Fundamental to machine durability is the rigorous and relevant understanding of ability, capability and capacity.
Mainteance durability needs analysts who have the skills of a pathfinder to navigate through the unknowns. Pathfinder: Someone who can find a path or way through the congestion or the unknown.
Sustainability is fundamental to the development of machine durability programs. Sustainability. Brundtland UN Report: "Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."
For information about this service please email Adrian Stephan to request information.